Learning Together

The Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF) identifies five learning and development outcomes for young children.

On this page you will find activities which support Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners.

Colour Sorting

Colour sorting can be a fun and inexpensive activity that helps to develop your child’s ability to learn colours and basic math skills.

Melting Coloured Ice Blocks

Water play, science experience and colour mixing are enjoyable open ended activities that allow children to explore and learn about the world around them.


Weaving is a fun and inexpensive activity that helps to develop your child’s fine motor skills.

Pattern Making

Children can explore their emerging numeracy and literacy skills with this learning experience.

Sinking and Floating

This is learning experience allows children to explore their emerging skills in science and numeracy.

Frame Art

Frame art is a creative and imaginative experience that uses natural and recycled resources, and is suitable for children of all ages and stages.